How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Packages?

Digital marketing packages can be segmented into SEO optimization, SMO, SMM and Adsense.
To be able to benefit your business, you should know about how to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Packages. In this article we will focus on SEO services. The main advantages of
using SEO services is that you have access to expertise from
individuals who are experienced in search engine optimization and
using an SEO service may be more time efficient for you. The
disadvantage of using an SEO service is the initial costs
involved in search engine optimization and costs associated with
ongoing monitoring of the search engine ranking and adjustments
to the SEO service’s strategy and to the website.

Questions you should ask and have answered before contracting an
SEO service to do your search engine optimization include:

1. What strategies do the SEO service use to improve search
engine ranking?

2. What services are included in the SEO service package to
be provided?

3. Which search engines does the SEO service target?

4. Does the SEO service guaranty a specific ranking or
certain results?

5. How much experience does the SEO service have in the
field of search engine optimization?

6. What are the initial costs of the SEO service and what
are the costs for ongoing monitoring and SEO services to
maintain the ranking?

Common strategies used for search engine optimization include
keyword research to identify keywords and keyword phrases for
optimization focus, designing the website with metatags and html
tags using the keywords to be optimized, development of keyword
rich content for the website, and linking campaigns to build link
popularity and link relevancy. SEO services generally include the
use of all of these strategies and sometimes more. The major
search engines are Google, Yahoo! and MSN but there are many more
search engines include specialty search engines which may benefit
your business.

Most Digital Marketing Packages do not guaranty a specific rank in the
search engines because that is near impossible to do; however,
they may guaranty certain results such as an improvement in
website traffic directed through the search engines. The
experience and expertise of your SEO service company is very
important because search engine optimization is no easy task.
Both the initial costs of optimizing the website and ongoing
costs for having the SEO service monitor and maintain the ranking
should be considered. In the next series on how to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Packages,
we will focus on other aspects of digital marketing. Contact us today for quotations.

Best Software Development Company in USA

Best Software Development Company in USA builds Software. What exactly is Software? In a layman’s language I would say that software is a collection of computer programs and information seized in the memory of a computer for various functions. It performs various fruitful jobs for the users, which edge with hardware to offer the necessary services for application software, which in time coordinates and controls. Software once been loaded in the computers memory executes the application. The process involves three stages wherein the instructions are passed through application Software, through system Software, to the hardware, which eventually receives instruction.
Technically, one would say that Software as a Service is an application model where a software vendor works on developing a software application and hosts and operates the application for use by its users over the Internet/desktop. In a Software development company the focus is on Custom Software, which is developed for a specific organization and targeted to several business, entities, companies or organizations. The second kind of software will be off the shelf Software that is already produced or designed and are more readily available and cost effective.
Software development process has been observed that large numbers of projects now a day are not meeting the expectations in terms of functionality, cost, Deadlines and effective project management which hampers the overall growth of the Software Development Company.
There are lot of Software Development Companies that follow different models for the development of the Software, most commonly used would be Process Model which includes Waterfall Process, iterative process and Formal Methods.
IT Department and Software Development Company across the globe are considering outsourcing in a big way. Considering deeply the cost factor and the availability of highly qualified developers. The major factors that are kept in mind while outsourcing any project is “Track record” of the company and “Knowledge of the Industry Vertical”. The main reason to choose a company with these two important factors is firstly, the company that says that it caters to all verticals in software development may not specialize in any area and which may take lot of time and effort for that company to fulfill the needs of the project. This may adversely affect the deadline and the cost of the project. Secondly, the track record that can only be studied by the previous project company has taken up and by taking all possible references. At the same time it will be important to take into account the quality certification and quality of developers in the company. It is always advised to visit the premises and consider all options before outsourcing a project.
It will be surprising that sometimes no physical contracts or no disclosure agreements are signed between companies while outsourcing the Software project to offshore Software Development Company. The contracts or agreements signed usually are via email and the whole project is taken up on simple mutual trust between two companies. When a project is planned to be outsourced the deliverable should be clearly defined while maintaining the confidentiality rights on both ends as the entire project information is let out to a third person and can be critical for the business. Also the vendor under any circumstances should not directly interact with the employee of the Best Software Development Company in USA. And of course not to forget the foremost reason the cost, it is often seen that the reason for outsourcing the project to the often becomes the most common reason for arguments between a supplier and vendor and is applicable in all industries in the world. Thus, a clear mention of the total project pricing and milestones at which the charges will be paid should be included as an important point within the contract.
The success of Best Software Development Company in USA rests on the word “customer satisfaction”. Offshore Software Outsourcing is much about building relationships based on trust, and mutual respect. Software Development Company, should provide reliable, quality, and value added services to clients that take care of the definite business needs of the customer. A highly dedicated team for a project proves to be a beneficial point for the success of any outsourced project. Any team should have a Project manager, which fills the gap between the client and the developer. There should be proper goals defined for the team and client should be updated every week of the development made. And in case if there are any issues developers can be kept well informed in time.
Thus, the concentration should be on selecting the right partner for Software Development while evaluating all aspects. Selecting the right partner is often defined as a difficult choice to be made as Software Development Company, which leads to several consequences at a later stage, makes sometimes-false promises. It is suggested to review the resources (Infrastructure, personnel, track record etc.) of the business partner well before committing anything in “Offshore Outsourcing”.

Best Web Development Company in USA

The world of web development is still very much misunderstood. We’ve even heard people call it a “dark art”. So when you need help turning your ideas and designs into a high quality website or web application, you have to trust the Best Web Development Company in USA?

The purpose of this post is to provide some key points on what makes a good web development company, and will help you understand the kind of questions you should be asking development companies.

This is going to be a very opinionated post and we make no apologies for it. If you disagree with anything we are certainly open to discussing it further.

Now to get on with the post. Below are the key areas we are going to be looking at, and what you should be looking for in the Best Web Development Company in USA.

Able to do both front-end and back-end development
Don’t specialise in one back-end technology
Should follow best practices
Understanding of marketing strategies surrounding the projects
Invests time in research and development
Has a rigorous testing process, including automated tests
Flexible to change
Use source control
Able to do both front-end and back-end development
We don’t subscribe to idea of developers that do front-end development and developers that do back-end development. That’s the equivalent of having a plumber who only fits pipes and leaves the fitting of the baths, showers, sinks and toilets to someone else.

We agree there is a separation between web developers and web designers, there’s a completely different thought process going on there, but the separation between front-end and back-end is just wrong. To be a good web developer you need to understand the full development cycle and to be able to get involved in the project from start to finish. There is also much to be learnt from the working with the varying technologies, but we’ll come on to that.

Don’t specialise in one back-end technology
There are a number of good back-end technologies that are appropriate for web development including Ruby on Rails, ASP.Net and PHP (and others). They all have their strengths and weaknesses and not one is perfect. A good web development company should be flexible in which technologies they use, so that they use the most appropriate one for their clients’ needs.

The key reason we have spent time learning a number of technologies is to able to pick and choose the bits we like. Over the years the developers involved in The League have been able to take the good parts of each technology and formulate a number of best practices and use them across all platforms.

Should follow best practices
The key to being the Best Web Development Company in USA is not the technologies that you use, but the best practices that you follow. As technologies come and go in our very fast moving industry those best practices will remain, or at least evolve. As a developer if you have a good grounding then you can move with the times and technologies fairly easily.

So what are these best practices that we are talking about. Below are some of the key ones we follow.

Writing semantic HTML
Follow web standards for all front end coding
Automated testing of both front-end and back-end code
Use of a MVC framework
Understanding of marketing strategies surrounding the projects

We’ve heard this complaint many times that web developers don’t think about the marketing strategy of a project. This is generally because developers don’t care. Well they should. How can they advise clients and think about helping clients produce the right solution, if they aren’t thinking about the “bigger picture” (sorry, we know it’s a horrid phrase, we’ll go wash our mouths out now). If a developer blindly does the work, they are not offering the client a service, they are just being a meat puppet.

The most important question a developer can ask is “Why?”. Take time to understand the client’s requirements fully, and advise them, after all the client doesn’t understand the ins and outs of web development, you do. Make the development cycle a two way conversation.

Invests time in research and development As everyone knows the web industry is a very fast moving industry. Things come and go in the blink of an eye. A good web development company gives it’s developers allocated time each week to look at new trends and technologies. Admittedly some of these trends and technologies are dead ends, but you won’t know unless you look into them.

If you want to know if a web development company knows there stuff, simply ask them what their developers have been looking into recently. You don’t have to understand everything you are told, note them down though and look them up on the internet to understand if the company are looking at new trends or not.

R&D is probably the most important time each week for a developer. If developers don’t evolve, the solutions they build will become stagnate and dated very quickly. As a client do you want an out of date solution before you even start?

Has a rigorous testing process, including automated tests Too often we have seen the client is the tester for a project. If this is happening, then, to put it bluntly, the development company don’t understand your project well enough, they are just “banging out” code.

A good web development company should be writing automated tests (integration tests, unit-tests etc) for all their code, both front-end and back-end. On a simple level, tests help developers to concentrate on the code they are writing at that given time, they also help developers to write more concise code. More concise code means the code base is easier to understand and cheaper to maintain.

Best Website Designing Company in USA

Website designing is a web development process of creating a website which focuses on its aesthetic portion as well as its usability. Trust the Best website designing Company in USA to come up with the best of solutions. Aesthetic factors include webpage layout, user interface, graphic design, content production and other visual imagery which makes a website visually appealing.

Long gone are the days when websites used to look like the classified pages of a newspaper. Modern websites designed by the best website designing company in USA is all about keeping things simple and clean. Keeping things simple is probably the hardest thing to do; particularly when there are a lot of designers prepared to flaunt their talents with an abundance of glitz and glamour. Nonetheless, let’s not forget the main reason why traffic is being drawn towards your site. It’s for your content, not for the extra frills and fancies that you may have hosted.

Major elements of modern website design are:

Minimal Design

Minimal design is a major element of modern website designing. When creating a website design, lesser the website components, better the website. Website with minimal design offer more clarity to the website, makes navigation simpler and helps users to stay focused on your content. Simple and easy to access design make it convenient for users to track the necessary information they seek.

Simple and Powerful Color Palette

Color usage and color scheme that you incorporate in your web design is also an important aspect. Usage of too many colors makes the website visually distracting. Simplifying the color palette of your website balances the cohesiveness and makes it easier to focus which is why modern web design opts for only two to three colors in their web design elements.

Effective Topography

Typography is also an essential element of modern web design and involves usage of fonts that express the textual aspects of your website. Usage of bold, clean and unique typography adds to your brand value. Modern websites today must contain:

  • Web standard fonts
  • The text size should be appropriate. Too large or too small fonts don’t work.
  • There must be adequate space between lines
  • Usage of colored fonts should be limited

Image Binge

Visual context is modern web design’s most important element. When uploading images to your website, a good technique is to go all out on your image size. Large images highlight your services and products better which in turn helps you to attract more customers. But make sure going overboard with large images can again push away traffic from your site rather than pulling them towards it. So, balancing a healthy proportion is essential.

Consider Your Users Before Anything Else

This is the most crucial element of any modern web design. Making your website user friendly offers positive user experiences which keeps your users loyal to your brand and service and also boost your rankings. Often, from a SEO perspective, we end up doing things that may not be perfect for our users, but always remember user is your first and foremost priority.  A user friendly website will automatically boost your SEO. Contact us for the best packages.

Ways To Increase Search Engine Rankings

What are the best Ways to Increase Search Engine Rankings? Customers show trust in businesses having strong online presence. Businesses ranking higher on Google and other search engines attract a lot of customers. But making a strong online presence is not that easy. Getting higher rank on the different search engines is extremely challenging. Internet is getting increasingly crowded day by day with almost every small and big business trying to make their online presence. Given below are 5 ways by which businesses can find out what are the Ways to Increase Search Engine Rankings and rank higher on search engines with easy efforts:

Sound Foundation is Necessary

Poor website information and structure can doom and ruin SEO campaigns. Navigation layout, menus, and filters are the points at which web design, UX, and SEO paths intersect. Navigation must be user-friendly. The goal is to make it easy to browse for services and products. It must also be SEO-friendly to allow Search Engine robots to crawl your website efficiently. Your website rankings can suffer highly if your website makes it difficult for users to navigate and Google to crawl.

Performing an SEO Audit

Google algorithm incorporates machine learning and hundreds of signals to determine the search engine rankings. Performing a Search engine optimization audit can give businesses advantage over their competitors. Every business needs to follow some series of steps including fixing of duplicate contents, optimizing image size, ensuring that the website is mobile responsive, optimizing website speed and browser caching.

Optimize your website for Mobile

Mobile-first indexing means that Google only uses the content’s mobile version to index and rate. Earlier, when determining the relevance of a site to a user’s request, the index usually used the desktop version of a page material. Since most users now use a mobile device to access Google Search, Googlebot mainly crawls and indexes pages with the help of a Smartphone agent.

Optimize Website Speed

Businesses must monitor the speed of their websites regularly and must always keep improving its speed. Google Page Speed is an important tool which helps in improving website speed.

Optimize Image Size

Make sure to optimize images before uploading it on your website using an image optimizer or image compressor tool. One must ensure that the dimension of the uploaded image fits into the reserved image space and retains a structured and clean look on their live website.

Browser Caching

Web browser loads a number of resources every time during loading. The caching store of the browser stores these resource files into the user’s computer. Those resources need not be loaded again when a new user navigates to a new page. Browser caching can be enabled just be adding code to the web host server .htaccess file.

On Page SEO

On-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the method of optimizing individual web pages so that the search engines can rank it higher enabling it to receive more potential traffic. On-page applies to both a webpage’s material and HTML source code that can be optimized as compared to off-page SEO which relates to links and other external signals.

Advantages of Custom Software Development

Custom software development is the process of creating and deploying software for a group of users and organizations. Custom software development is commonly referred to as bespoke software and is usually development by in-house software development teams are generally outsourced to third parties.

The process of custom software development involves efficient series of steps starting with planning and analysis, design and development, implementation, testing and deployment. Custom software involves three important steps- application customization, application management and application modernization. Application customization can be defined as the process of modification of COTS (commercial off-the-shelf software) applications to support individual requirements. Application modernization plays an important role in the maintenance of viability of a business’s custom software to accommodate the preferences and requirements of users and other market demands. Application management supports different tasks like installation, updating, optimization and performance and other service desk functions to make the software effective.

Major benefits of custom software development include:

It is tailor-made as per your requirements:

Custom made software establishes a direct relationship between the development company and you. A talented and knowledgeable software developer can adapt to your preferences and expectations more easily and can cooperate with you on making the best application.

Custom built software is cost effective:

Custom software development may be expensive at times but it is a smart investment in the long run. With custom built software, you don’t need to purchase unnecessary hardware or spend additional costs for licenses and other pointless features which help you save a considerable amount of money.


Custom built software supports the growth of business as and when required that means it can grow when an organization or business grows.  In addition to developing the initial solution, a good software development company also maintains the software in the long run making sure that the software scales effectively when required thus allowing your business to grow without any limitation.

Custom built software is secure from external threats:

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software is available to everyone and thus is prone to hacking attacks. On the other hand, custom built software is completely secure which makes it hard for the hackers to penetrate and hack the software as it is only utilized inside your organization.

Support and Maintenance:

Commercial-off-the-shelf software puts your organization in a vulnerable position. With an off the shelf software, your business is dependent on the company from where you have purchased the software. In case the company go bankrupt or decide not to maintain the software in the long run, your business can get in a tough situation. With custom built software, you can do anything with it as you own the software.

Benefits of having a mobile friendly website

One of the main reasons why people leave a website sooner is its long loading time. Mobile responsive websites load faster which encourages visitors on a regular basis. This significantly enhances the user experience of those who come to your website enabling you convert them to clients.

Mobile friendly websites bring you positive results in the following ways:

Easy to access

Desktop traffic has been decreasing lately and the percentage of mobile users is increasing continuously. Now-a-days, most people perform their daily searches on their mobile phones. Therefore, it is extremely important to make your business website mobile responsive to make sure people can access your business through their mobile devices.

Reduces loading time

One of the main reasons why people leave a website sooner is its long loading time. Mobile responsive websites load faster which encourages visitors on a regular basis. This significantly enhances the user experience of those who come to your website enabling you convert them to clients.

Improves user experience

Mobile responsive websites allow you to get connected with users with its mobile specific features such as click to calls and mapping functions.

Improves your search engine ranking

Your business needs an optimized mobile site is because it makes it easier for people to find you online improve your ranking on popular search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo and also place your business on popular mobile and local directories.

Increases your brand identity

A mobile responsive website presents a contemporary brand identity for your organization and also helps you to stand out among other organizations.

Increases connectivity

Businesses having mobile responsive websites can be accessed anywhere, anytime. With constant connectivity, mobile responsive websites make it easier to get connected with the target audience.

Improves customer relationship

A mobile website increases your business-customer connection by making you accessible anytime, anywhere, with helpful data they want about the products and services they are prepared to purchase right now.

Are you thinking about developing a Mobile responsive website for your business?

If you would like to develop a mobile responsive website for your business or organization, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consult at

We would be happy to assist you!

Why No One Is Coming To Your Website?

Do you want your business to maintain a social media presence? Contact us today to help you develop and implement a comprehensive marketing campaign for your business.

Nowadays, website is the best tool in a business marketing tool box. But having a website is not enough anymore; you must have a website that your audiences would like to visit. People mostly indulge in a delusion that just because they have built a website, everyone will find it and the website will automatically gain traffic. But it’s not that easy.

Search engines like Google also need to find your company. That’s how you get included in the outcomes of the search when a prospective client searches for what you sell. So, why is your website not getting enough traffic? Find below the reasons why no one is visiting your website.


All websites need to be SEO friendly. Search engines such as phone books are used by people to find the contacts they are looking for. In the same way, if your website is not present on the first page, how can it be found?

There are numerous ways out there which can actually help you get your website to the top. Among them, the most important one is your keyword placement. You need to include at least relevant 5 keywords in your website title, and website content related to your business. You also need to add a short and catchy Meta description explaining the services provided by your business.


In order to get people on your website, you need to build bridges. The more bridges you build, the more traffic you will get. These bridges are actually your links. Start digital marketing campaigns to get your website found.

  • Share links to your website from social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn etc.
  • Contact media partners to promote your business
  • Add links from review sites, chat forums or online news sites on your website

This will bring your business to the notice of potential clients and customers.


Business blogging is a marketing tactic that supports business growth and also increases the website’s online visibility. Consistent blogging boosts a website’s search engine ranking and also provides a great platform for building relationship with clients and customers. Start adding relevant contents to your site as it will not only help you to stand out among other websites but will also help you catch the attention of the different search engines.

Do you want your business to maintain a social media presence? Contact us today to help you develop and implement a comprehensive marketing campaign for your business.

Best Software Development Company

LINX DESIGNS is one of the leading IT and BPO firms. We efficiently serve customers around the globe by providing services starting from web design and development, software development, e-commerce development, mobile app development (Android & IOS), game development, digital marketing (SEO, SEM and SMO), content writing and BPO services.

We are a software development firm and we are enthusiastic about providing our customers with powerful, robust software solutions. We are specialized in enterprise level systems that can address many issues faced by businesses as they develop and adapt to an emerging marketplace. We are here to fix issues, solve problems and assist in developing your company. Repetitive assignments, disconnected systems and inefficient manual procedures can hold a company back, cost the business value resources, stop them from reaching new and fresh clients and also make them lose the existing ones. Our goal is to provide you with a solution on time and on a low budget.

Share your views and ideas with us. We are here to transform your priceless imaginations into life. Our primary principle is to offer our customers with greatest assistance, distinctive creations and guaranteed services. Our entire team works together as a family and we always believe in establishing a bond with our clients that enables us to do the job more efficiently. We offer a broad variety of services to our customers and have been a leader in the sector for a long time, with creativity and client satisfaction. We have gathered the expertise to know the requirements and demands of our customers. IGI is one of the best service suppliers to satisfy multiple company requirements. We deliver distinct expertise in Mobile Application Development for numerous platforms including Android, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry to the fast growing worldwide industry. Our diverse knowledge and strong dedication to technology and efficiency help customers remain ahead of competitors, maintain superior mobility and avoid obstacles in the development process while preserving both time and money.

You can let your imagination work by trusting us and we’ll make sure our skilled and efficient team turns it into reality. Thanks to our Mobile Application Development Team that keeps track of the recent trends and creates applications across all platforms and helps our company reach valuable customers.

Linx Designs | The Best Web Designing Company

LINX DESIGNS is one of the leading IT and BPO companies in Washington . We successfully serve worldwide customers with services starting with Web Designing and Development, Software Development, Ecommerce Development, Mobile Application Development (Android & IOS), Game Development, Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM, and SMO), Content Writing Services, and BPO Services. At Linx Designs, we are proud to have extremely talented and qualified web developers, designers, mobile application developers, SEO expert group, creative content writers and hard-working marketing team working hard to provide our customers with the finest facilities.

We at LINX DESIGNS and create custom responsive websites and campaigns based on the objectives and target audience of your company. Our company understands your sector and knows which platform suits you the best whether it is an ecommerce web design service or an email campaign. We set common objectives aimed at further pushing your business revenue and provide you more exposure. We understand the nature of your business. That’s why we offer all aspects of internet marketing services, starting with Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Web Design, Web and App Development, and professional logo designing.

Our task is to get in contact with the individuals who need your facilities the most. We are a digital design organization creating timeless products for companies around the globe. We have a unique squad of web designers having a lot of experience in web designing. They will analyze your brand according to your customer’s needs and will create a website that will bring life to your online presence. Our experienced web developers and designers have in-depth knowledge of different frameworks and technologies to develop your website. We will provide you with the best quality and the friendliest web designing service. A website without internet visibility strategy is a little like getting a business card without networking so, you need to bring new customers to your website. With our distinct web marketing strategies that’s what we give you.

We all know that the ongoing trend of online shopping has become immensely popular. In today’s technologically advanced era, one can buy nearly everything with just one click. Portals for ecommerce are intended to serve the purchase and sale of products online. Your business portal for ecommerce must therefore be developed and designed in such a way so that it can stand out from other available portals in today’s competitive market. If you want such a user-friendly portal with secure and enhanced features and functionalities to expand your business growth, please contact us today.

Digital Marketing and Its Advantages to Drive Your Business Growth

Powerful Advantages of Digital Marketing include:

Digital Marketing helps you strategize with Data and Analytics

Digital marketing provides you complete view about how many people visited your website in real time through graphical representation. With the help of Google Analytics, one can track the information and statistics of their marketing website. Digital marketing helps you know about the following:

  • number of visitors visiting your website
  • graphical location of the visitors
  • age and interests of the visitors
  • time spent by them on your website
  • the traffic source
  • bounce rate of the website
  • change in website traffic with time

This real time data analysis and breakdown of the web traffic information helps you to optimize your marketing tactics as required and provides you a clear understanding of the effectiveness of your marketing tactics.

Digital Marketing Improves Content Performance and Lead Generation

Suppose you have made a product brochure which you have distributed to people as offline content. One problem which you will face here is that you won’t have any idea about how many actually read your brochure and how many actually threw it into the trash.

But if you prepare a visual content and post it on the different digital platforms, buyers and customers would be able to learn about the different services you provide and depending on that engagement, Google will consider your content to be worthy and will rank you higher.

Digital marketing helps you to measure how many visitors actually viewed your marketing content. It will also allow you to see their geographical location. In addition, you may also collect the contact information of the interested people you downloaded your marketing content by filling forms which in turn will help you generate leads.

Digital Marketing is cost effective than Traditional Marketing

As compared to traditional marketing which involves advertising in radio, television and yellow pages, digital marketing saves a lot of money. Email marketing which is an effective digital marketing strategy, allow you to send important emails to prospects and clients. This strategy helps in interacting with the audience while promoting your brand and thus helps in the conversion of prospects into leads.

Digital Marketing Provides Real Time Results

Digital Marketing allows businesses to view their real time marketing results. It provides businesses with a clear understanding of what’s working and what’s not with their marketing tactics unlike traditional methods.

Through Digital Marketing, you can gain information about:

  • the number of visitors
  • increase in your subscriptions
  • knowledge about the peak trading times
  • an idea about your conversion rates
  • increase/decrease in your website traffic
  • website bounce rate
  • So much more!